{Day 24} The Baby Jesus: Jesus Is Born!

Do you remember what Advent means? It means coming–the coming of Jesus. This Advent season we have been celebrating when Jesus, God’s own Son, was born into our world as a little baby in Bethlehem. We have been looking at the story of Jesus’ birth–how God made the good world, how we have all gone astray like sheep, how we needed a Good Shepherd to come and bring us back to God. We have learned how the angel came to Mary, and told her that God would give her a special baby by the Holy Spirit. We know that Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem and had to stay in a stable. And Jesus was born! When Jesus came the first time, not many people knew who he was, that he was God’s great king who had come to save us from our sins and bring us peace with God. This is the good news of great joy that the angels sang to the shepherds. When Jesus comes again, everyone in the whole world will know. He will come with a loud trumpet and with many angels. We are waiting for him to come.

Dear God, we all want to thank you again for sending your Son Jesus to be born into our world and save us from our sins. You are so good and so merciful to us, O God! Please help us to be ready for when Jesus comes again. Amen. 

Bible Readings: 1 John 4:7-12; Revelation 22:12-17

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7 Responses to {Day 24} The Baby Jesus: Jesus Is Born!

  1. I just wanted thank you for your beautiful and simple advent devotionals. I found it in an exhaustive google search one night. It was just what I was looking for to read every night in for advent to my 8 & 5 yr olds. We were so blessed by it. We are from Honolulu and recently moved to Huntington Beach Ca. I pray your family has a wonderful new year. That 2017 brings blessings beyond measure from our beautiful Savior.
    Aloha, the Justice Ohana

  2. Pastor Brenda says:

    Thank you so much for these beautiful Advent devotionals. We have used them at our church for the lighting of the Advent candles. It is a part of the service that only the children present. It has been so touching. I know how much hard work it takes to undertake a project such as this, so i thank you from the bottom of my heart for enriching our church’s experience of Christ.

  3. Patrick says:

    These were really great. I was looking for something to use with our kids and these were perfect. Thanks!

  4. Aaron Thompson says:

    We just finished our second year of your devotionals being a nightly routine with our (now 6yo) son. Last year, we used just your write up, this year we added in the suggested Bible readings. Thank you for putting these together, and sharing them with us!

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