{Day 19} The Third Wise Man: The Whole World Needs to Hear About Jesus

Do you remember when we looked at the magi, or wise men? The wise men served foreign kings in faraway lands. Some of them studied the stars and they saw the great star that God put in the sky when Jesus was born. They knew that this star meant that a great king was born. They set off on a long journey to find him. The wise men remind us that the baby Jesus would become a great king who would rule over the whole world. Jesus came not only for the people of Israel but for everyone. God wants everyone in the world to know that Jesus is his Son and that he was born to bring salvation. Jesus’ birth is the good news that everyone needs to hear.

Dear God, we thank you that Jesus came for everyone. Please help us to share this good news all around us. Amen. 

Bible Readings: Psalm 67; Revelation 7:9-12

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