{Day 13} The Cow: No Room for Joseph and Mary in the Inn

Joseph and Mary were on a long journey. They were going to Bethlehem to be counted. When Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, they tried to find a place where they could stay. But many, many people were traveling to the city. It was crowded. Joseph and Mary found an inn, but there was no room for them there. What could they do? Mary was about to have the baby Jesus! Finally Joseph and Mary found a place to stay. It wasn’t a very fancy place–it may even have been a stable, or a barn! Does a barn sound like the kind of place for a great king to be born? God’s plan is sometimes very surprising. When he came to be born into our world Jesus humbled himself so much. He was obedient to God even when it meant being poor. He became poor so that we could become rich in him.

Dear Jesus, you are the Son of God and the greatest king and yet you humbled yourself. There is no other god like you! We praise you. Amen. 

Bible Readings: 2 Corinthians 8:1-9; Philippians 2:3-11

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4 Responses to {Day 13} The Cow: No Room for Joseph and Mary in the Inn

  1. Rod says:

    Just want to thank you for sharing your gift of making the Gospel alive to young hearts through your gift of writing! Thanks, too, for being transparent in your parenting.

    Rod Takata

  2. lynn says:

    this is beautiful….we are doing this!! i bought this playmobile set on eBay. my children are being blessed by it!! thank you!!!

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