the baby name contest

Some time ago, just for fun, I introduced a little blog contest. Many of you participated with a variety of lovely little girl names. (Sort of makes me wish we’d had sextuplets or something, so we could use more of them.) Now that our little girl is here, it’s time to wrap up the contest. 

Her name is Harriet.

No one guessed it.

But who came the closest?

My cousin Caleb.

I have it on record that his first consideration was “Harold,” which is the closest match. He may expect a little something English headed his way.

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2 Responses to the baby name contest

  1. Aunt Mary says:

    Congratulations Betsy, Alex, and Norah!! I was visiting Grandma and Grandpa the last 2 days and was so glad to come home to see the pictures of your adorable little girl! Grandma got such a kick out of Caleb winning the name contest, as did we all! Praising God for such a precious gift and such perfect timing with Jean there to help. Love to you all.

  2. nateandmiriam says:

    Your daughter is beautiful! It’s so special for her that she was born in England. I would love to hear sometime why you chose her name. I love it!

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